About beauty-full people

People are full of beauty because:

- Sometimes they try to be better than they are
- Sometimes they want to make a difference
- Sometimes they are bastards
- Sometimes they help each other
- Sometimes they are lonely
- Sometimes they are stupid or silly or selfish
- Sometimes they cry and sometimes they laugh
- Sometimes they make others cry or laugh
- Sometimes they make fools of themselves
- Sometimes they try to be different
- Sometimes they want to blend in
- Sometimes they're strong and sometimes they're weak
- Sometimes they get into unexpected situations
- Sometimes they struggle

But the most important thing is that they are always human, thus imperfect. Which makes them beautiful.

This blog is about people I have met/seen in my everyday life, mostly strangers who have touched me in some way and that I didn't want to forget.

Unless stated otherwise, I am the author of all the texts and pictures on this blog. If you wish to use any of the content, please clearly state its origin, as a matter of courtesy to me or any of the people contributing to this space.

I hope you enjoy this little blogger corner!